Orig_checker 2.0

UDP Loading schema


  1. Course Offering
  2. File
  3. Learner Activity
  4. Learner Group
  5. Person
  6. Report

Course Offering

This entity is required.

Entity filename: course_offering.csv.

An institutional offering of organized subject matter and learner activities chosen by learners in an academic term.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Course Offering. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Course Offering, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text


This entity is required.

Entity filename: file.csv.

An object that contains information in a self-contained manner. Files may be documents, images, recordings, and so on.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this File. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this File, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text

Learner Activity

This entity is required.

Entity filename: learner_activity.csv.

An assignment, task, piece of work, or other activity that is as part of a course of study.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Learner Activity. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Learner Activity, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text
course_offering_id The Course offering Id to which this learner activity belongs. See Course Offering. Yes Yes integer
repository_checked The name of the repository whose corpus is used to measure similarity. Different Originality checkers may make available different repositories against which to check originality. Values may include "Global student database" or "Institutional student database." Yes No text
is_excluded_quotes Denotes if quotes are removed from evaluation in the Report. No No boolean
is_excluded_bibliography Denotes if the bibliography is removed from evaluation in the Report. No No boolean
is_excluded_small_matches Denotes if word sequences must be greater than or equal to the small match threshold count before non-originality is detected. No No boolean
small_match_threshold_count The minimum number of words in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded. No No integer
small_match_threshold_percentage The minimum number of words, as a percentage of the overall word count, in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded. No No integer

Learner Group

This entity is required.

Entity filename: learner_group.csv.

A pedagogically-oriented group of learners in a course. This concept is distinct from Course section, which is an administrative grouping of learners.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Learner Group. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Learner Group, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text


This entity is required.

Entity filename: person.csv.

An individual participating, in any capacity, in the design, delivery, or evaluation of teaching and learning processes and environments.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Person. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Person, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text


This entity is required.

Entity filename: report.csv.

A formal account of teaching & learning.

Code (Header) Description Is required Is foreign key Datatype
orig_checker_int_id The key used within the ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Report. Yes No text
orig_checker_ext_id The global key generated by this ORIG_CHECKER to identify this Report, for use by external tools that are provisioned or launched from the ORIG_CHECKER. Yes No text
file_id The File for which the Report was generated. See File. No Yes integer
content_type The type of content of the Learner activity result for which the Report was generated. Yes No text
submitter_id The Person who submitted the Learner activity result. N/A if the Learner activity result were submitted by a Learner group. See Person. No Yes integer
submitter_group_id The Learner group that submitted the Learner activity result. N/A if the Learner activity result were submitted by a Person. See Learner Group. No Yes integer
larsubmitted_date The date on which the Learner activity result was submitted. Yes No timestamp
report_generated_date The date on which the Report was generated. Yes No timestamp
count_characters The number of characters in the Learner activity result. No No integer
count_words The number of words in the Learner activity result. No No integer
count_pages The number of pages in the Learner activity result. No No integer
percentage_bibliographic_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of the text that is comprised by the bibliography. No No integer
percentage_quoted_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of the text that is comprised of quotes. No No integer
is_excluded_quotes Denotes if quotes are removed from evaluation in the Report. No No boolean
is_excluded_bibliography Denotes if the bibliography is removed from evaluation in the Report. No No boolean
is_excluded_small_matches Denotes if word sequences must be greater than or equal to the small match threshold count before non-originality is detected. No No boolean
small_match_threshold_count The minimum number of words in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded. No No integer
small_match_threshold_percentage The minimum number of words, as a percentage of the overall word count, in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded. No No integer
similarity_score The assessment of the uniqueness of a Learner activity result, on a scale of 0-100. Yes No text
similarity_score_to_submitted_student_work The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to the corpus of student submitted work. No No integer
similarity_score_to_internet_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to internet sources indexed by an originality checker. No No integer
similarity_score_to_publishers_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to published content, both proprietary and public domain. No No integer
student_first_view_report The date on which the learner first viewed the results of the Report. No No timestamp
instructor_first_view_report The date on which the instructor first viewed the results of the Report. No No timestamp