Data dictionary 2.0

Unizin Common Data Model

UCDM Entities

Academic Career

A grouping of academic programs for statistical purposes. An Academic career exists for each school/college by level of program offered. An Academic career is the parent to an Academic program.

Code Description
code The code that uniquely identifies an Academic career at the institution.
description The description of the Academic career at the Institution.

Academic Degree

An Academic degree that can be earned by a student at an institution.

Code Description
educational_level The educational level of the Academic degree earned at the Institution. (option set)
name The name of the Academic degree that is earned by the student.

Academic Major

A major area of study.

Code Description
academic_program_id The foreign key to the Academic program to which this Academic major belongs.
cip_code2k The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for the Academic major.
code The institutional code that uniquely identifies an Academic major.
description The institutional description of the Academic major.

Academic Major Specialization

A program specialization in a major area of study.

Code Description
academic_major_id The foreign key to the Academic major to which this Academic major specialization belongs.
cip_code2k The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for the Academic major specialization.
code The institutional code that uniquely identifies an Academic major specialization.
description The institutional description of the Academic major specialization.

Academic Minor

A minor area of study.

Code Description
academic_program_id The foreign key to the Academic program to which this Academic minor belongs.
cip_code2k The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for the Academic minor.
code The institutional code that uniquely identifies an Academic minor.
description The institutional description of the Academic minor.

Academic Organization

An Academic organization is a School, Program, College, or Department responsible for delivering instruction. A particular Academic organization is always unique to a campus. However, Academic organizations across different campuses may share the same Organization Code. For example, there may exist a Department of Sociology at multiple campuses of a University system — each instance can be uniquely identified, but all may share the same academic organization code.

Code Description
campus_id The foreign key to the Campus to which this Academic organization belongs.
institutional_code The Institution’s code for the Academic organization. The intention is to capture the value used as a formal shorthand used in, for example, the schedule of classes to refer to the Academic organization (e.g., “CAS” for “College of Arts & Sciences”). This value need not be unique across the Campuses of an Institution. In fact, it's more likely that the same code is used to refer to the same kind of Academic organization across institutions (e.g., the "Department of Communication" at multiple campuses will have the same Code value).
name The human-readable name of the Academic organization.
parent_academic_organization_id The foreign key to the parent Academic organization to which this Academic organization belongs.

Academic Program

An administrative area within the Institution to which the application is admitted and from which a student graduates.

Code Description
academic_career_id The foreign key to the Academic career to which this Academic program belongs.
code The institutional code that uniquely identifies an Academic major.
description The institutional description of the Academic program.
educational_level A code representing the educational level of the degree that can be earned in this academic program. (option set)

Academic Session

An administrative unit that defines an actual instructional period during a term. Every Academic term is comprised of one or more Sessions. A Session is always unique to an Academic term and will have many Course offerings.

Code Description
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term to which this Academic session belongs.
course_materials_bill_after_date The date after which fee-based course materials can be billed to the institution
instruction_begin_date The beginning of instruction for Course sections in the Session.
instruction_end_date The end of instruction for Course sections in the Sessions.
name The name of the Academic session. The value is typically intended to be human-readable ("First 8-week") and, in concert with the Academic term name, fully communicate the instructional period during which a Course offering is offered.

Academic Term

A calendar session in which classes are instructed.

Code Description
le_term_begin_date From the learning environment, the date and time when the academic term formally begins.
le_term_end_date From the learning environment, the date and time when the academic term formally ends.
name The human readable name for the academic term.
term_begin_date The date and time when the academic term formally begins.
term_end_date The date and time when the academic term formally ends.
term_type The type of Academic term. (option set)
term_year The year during which the Academic term is scheduled (e.g., "2019").

Admission Test Score

An individual Person's score on an admissions test, whether standardized or institutionally-specific.

Code Description
admission_test_date The date of the test sitting from which this score was generated.
admission_test_type The type of admissions test for which this is a score. (option set)
institutional_test The name of the Institutional test for which this is a score.
institutional_test_component The name of the Institutional test component for which this is a score.
institutional_test_version The version of the Institutional test for which this is a score.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to whom this Admission test score belongs.
score The score value.
score_type The type of score for which we have a value. (option set)
standardized_test The name of the Standardized test for which this is a score. (option set)
standardized_test_component The name of the Standardized test component for which this is a score. (option set)
standardized_test_version The version of the Standardized test for which this is a score. (option set)


A web resource with a body, which is a comment or other descriptive resource, and a single target that the body is somehow about.

Code Description
author_id The Person record who originally authored the Annotation.
author_name The name of the Person who originally authored the Annotation.
body_format The IANA media type format of the Body value. A written comment is generally `text/plain`, but other systems may support, for example, voice recordings that are of `audio/mp3` format.
body_language The language in which the Body value is written, in ISO 639-1 format (e.g., `en`, `fr`, `de`).
body_value The contents of the Annotation's body.
color The color of the Annotation.
course_section_id The Course section context in which the Annotation was made, if any.
created_date The date on which the Annotation was originally created.
has_teacher_only_comments Indicates whether the Annotation is from a teacher ('true') or not ('false').
is_anonymous Denotes whether the Annotation was made anonymously.
is_hidden Indicates whether the Annotation is hidden from view by students.
learner_activity_result_id The Learner activity result in which this Annotation was made.
learning_resource_id The Learning resource in which the Annotation was first generated.
message_character_count The number of characters in the Annotation.
message_line_count The number of lines in the Annotation.
message_size_bytes The message size, in bytes, of the Annotation.
message_word_count The number of words in the Annotation.
page_number The page number on which the Annotation was made, if any.
status The status of the Annotation (`Active`, `Deleted`).
target The target of the Annotation.
type The type of Annotation (`Note`, `Question`, `Answer`, `Highlight`, `Comment`).
updated_date The date on which the Annotation was last updated.

Annotation Item

An item, attached to an Annotation, which itself may be the object of a teaching or learning interaction.

Code Description
annotation_id The Annotation Id that is a question.
body_value The content of the question body.

Annotation Item Response

A response to an Annotation item.

Code Description
annotation_id The Annotation that is an answer.
annotation_item_id The Annotation to which the answer is given.
body_value The content of the answer body.

Annotation Tag

A keyword or term that describes an Annotation to enable searching or group related Annotations.

Code Description
annotation_id The Annotation to which the Annotation tag is applied.
created_date The date on which the tag was originally created.
title The title or text of the tag.

Attendance Session

The parent record of an initiated attendance session in a given course section.

Code Description
attempt_limit The number of attempts allowed to student to check-in.
author_id The author of the attendance session.
code A random generated 4-digit code used to check-in for attendance.
course_offering_id The course offering in which the attendance session exists.
course_section_id The course section in which the attendance session exists.
created_date The date the attendance session was initialized.
is_secure A flag indicating whether secure attendance was enabled.
locked_date The date and time when a session will be locked.
time_to_live The time in seconds denoting when the session will start.
unlocked_date The date and time when a session will be unlocked.
updated_date The date the attendance session was updated.

Attendance Session Comment

The comment on a specified attendance session of a course.

Code Description
attendance_session_id Foreign key to the attendance session to which this comment belongs.
comment Comment text.
comment_author_id The author of the comment.

Attendance Session Response

Student response to a specified attendance session of a course.

Code Description
attendance_session_id Foreign key to the attendance session to which the response belongs.
correctness_points_possible Number of points possible for correctness in a response.
correctness_score Score given for a response.
did_attend A flag indicating whether or not a learner attended a session.
graded_date A timestamp of when the response was graded.
is_graded The status of whether or not the response has been graded.
location_status Indicates whether a learner is submitting a response from a verified location/IP.
participation_points_possible Number of points possible for an attendance response.
participation_score Score given for a participation response.
person_id The learner participating in the attendance session.
platform Indicates the OS or platform being used by a learner for submission.
points_possible Number of points possible for a response.
presence Indicates whether a learner is "remote" or "in-class".
proximity_status Indicates whether a learner is participating from within the classroom or not.
response The learner response.
response_device_type The type of device used for submission.
score Total score given.
updated_date A timestamp of when the response was updated.


The collection of departments, colleges, schools, and buildings that belong to a particular institution. All Universities have at least one campus. Some Universities are systems with multiple Campuses. These may include "virtual campuses" that represent online programs, which is common to many Unizin Members.

Code Description
abbreviation The abbreviation for the campus name. The intent is to capture the shorthand used in schedule of classes and other administative artifacts to refer to the campus.
name The full name of the Campus in the Institution's system.


An interchange of concepts or ideas between two or more actors in an unstructured manner without a defined topic.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering context in which the conversation took place, if any.
has_attachments Denotes whether the Conversation has any attachments.
has_media_objects Denotes whether the Conversation has any media objects.
learner_group_id The Learner group context in which the conversation took place, if any.
subject The subject of the conversation, if any.

Conversation Message

A discrete piece of information sent as part of a Conversation.

Code Description
author_id The author of the message.
body The contents of the message.
conversation_id The Conversation in which the message took place.
course_offering_id The Course offering context in which the Conversation message took place, if any.
created_date The date on which the message was first created.
has_attachments Denotes whether the message contains any attachments.
has_media_objects Denotes whether the message contains any media objects.
is_system_generated Denotes whether the message was automatically generated by a system, rather than a Person.
learner_group_id The Learner group context in which the Conversation message took place, if any.
message_character_count The message length in characters.
message_line_count The message length in lines.
message_size_bytes The message size in bytes.
message_word_count The message length in words.

Course Grade

The grade that a learner receives as part of their participation in a given Course section enrollment.

Code Description
course_section_id The Course section for which the Course grade is given.
created_date The date on which the Course grade was first created.
gpa_cumulative_excluding_course_grade The student's cumulative grade point average, excluding this Course offering, at the end of the Academic term in which this Course offering was taken by the student.
gpa_current_excluding_course_grade The student's grade point average, excluding this Course offering, for the Academic term in which this Course offering was taken by the student.
grade_inputted_by_instructor A code representing the grade given by an instructor to a student for a Course offering. (option set)
grade_on_official_transcript The official grade that appears on a student’s transcript which can be the translated value of Course Grade Instructor Input as defined by school/college grading policy or, in the case of transfer credit, the articulated Course grade to distinguish the type of credit earned. (option set)
grade_points The number of grade points earned in a course section. This is usually computed by multiplying the number of Grade points per credit by the number of Credits earned (on the Course section enrollment), yielding Grade points earned in the Course offering.
grade_points_per_credit The number of points earned for each credit, unit, or hour in a course section. This value is multiplied by the number of credits, units, or hours earned and, most frequently, is used to calculate the Grade Point Average.
grading_basis The valid grading pattern for a student’s enrollment in an elected Course section. This value may vary by enrollment for students in the same Course Section. (option set)
is_course_grade_in_gpa Indicates if the grade is included in the system calculated Grade Point Average.
le_current_score The most recently calculated and visible score.
le_final_score The final calculated and visible score.
le_final_score_status The status of the Course grade (option set)
le_hidden_current_score The most recently calculated score that is not yet visible.
le_hidden_final_score The final calculated score that is not yet visible.
person_id The Person to whom this Course grade is given.
updated_date The date on which the Course grade was most recently updated.

Course Material

A Learning resource that is delivered in the context of a given Course offering.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning resource is being delivered.
learning_resource_id The Learning resource that is delivered.

Course Offering

An institutional offering of organized subject matter and learner activities chosen by learners in an academic term.

Code Description
academic_career_id The foreign key to the Academic career for which this Course offering is primarily offered (note: the Course offering may still be available to other Academic careers at the institution; what is required here is the primary Academic career for which this Course offering is offered).
academic_session_id The foreign key to the Academic session to which this Course offering belongs.
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome item response exists.
available_credits Measured in Carnegie units, the amount of credit available to a student who successfully meets the objectives of the Course Offering.
campus_id The foreign key to the Campus to which this Course offering belongs.
cip_code2k A code representing the Classification of Instructional Program for the Course offering.
created_date The date the Course offering was created.
description The Course Offering description.
end_date The date and time of the last Course offering meeting, which may be different from the last Course section meeting. Note: If more than one meeting pattern exists, the first meeting pattern will be chosen.
is_public Indicates whether the Course offering is publicly visible.
le_code The course code associated with the course in the learning environment.
le_end_date Per the learning environment, the date and time when the Course offering formally ends.
le_start_date Per the learning environment, the date and time when the Course offering formally begins.
le_status From the learning environment, the workflow state of the Course offering, usually in relation to its availability for teaching and learning. (option set)
learning_environment_organization_id The Learning environment organization to which this course belongs.
multiple_meeting_patterns Indicates whether the class has multiple meeting patterns.
number The official reference number portion of a course Id. This number normally designates the level of the course as well as the level of the individual expected to enroll in the course. E.g. "101" in "BIO 101. This is sometimes called the catalog number.
start_date The date and time of the first Course offering meeting, which may be different from the first Course section meeting. Note: If more than one meeting pattern exists, the first meeting pattern will be chosen.
status The workflow state of the Course offering, usually in relation to its availability for teaching and learning. (option set)
subject The alphabetic abbreviation of the academic department or discipline offering the course. It is one part of the total course Id number. E.g., "BIO" in "BIO 101.”
syllabus_content The syllabus content for this Course offering.
title The title of the Course Offering.

Course Section

An administrative and instructional sub-organization of a Course offering. Instructors may be assigned to one or more sections of a particular Course offering.

Code Description
academic_organization_id The foreign key to the Academic organization to which this Course section belongs.
class_number A number that uniquely identifies the Course section within an Academic term. This may or may not be the same as the SIS Internal Course section identifier.
combined_section_basis Indicates the primary basis for combining sections together. (option set)
combined_section_id The unique identifier given to each Course section in a group of Course sections that have been combined on any basis.
course_offering_id The course offering to which this Course section belongs.
created_date The date & time that the Course section was created.
delivery_mode The delivery mode for the instruction given in this Course Section. (option set)
is_accepting_enrollments If true, the Course section is accepting enrollments.
is_combined_section_parent Indicates whether this Course section, in a set of combined Course sections, is the Parent Course section.This is only meaningful if the Course section is part of a combined set of Course sections.
is_default If true, the Course section is the default Course section.
is_graded Indicates whether the Course section is the graded Course section, if multiple Course sections are available to the student for this Course offering.
is_honors Indicates whether the Course section is considered an honors Course section.
le_current_course_offering_id In the learning environment, cross listing can happen that is not reflected in the SIS. le_current_course_offering_id is a non-coalesced value showing the current course shell hierarchy in the LMS.
le_name The name of the course section in the learning environment.
le_original_course_offering_id In the learning environment, an instructor may cross-list a course section under a course offering separate from the one assigned by the SIS. In this case, the course offering ID from the learning environment changes. When an instructor cross-lists their course section under another course offering, the original_course_offering_id captures the original course_offering_id for this course_section (which should be identical to the one provided by the SIS).
max_enrollment Maximum number of students who can be enrolled in the Course Section.

section_number The unique number of a particular Course section.
status The workflow state of the Course section, usually in relation to its availability for teaching and learning. (option set)
type The type of instruction delivered in this section. Institutions may refer to a section type as a "component" of a Course offering. (option set)
updated_date The date & time that the Course section was updated.

Course Section Enrollment

The association of a Person to a Course section, usually defined by a particular role.

Code Description
completed_date The date & time that the Course section enrollment was completed by the student.
course_section_id The foreign key to the Course section to which this Course section enrollment belongs.
created_date The date & time that the Course section enrollment was created.
credits_earned The number of credits the Person actually earned in the Course section.
credits_taken The number of credits the Person intended to earn in the Course section.
enrollment_status The status of the enrollment in the learning environment of this Course section. (option set)
entry_date The timestamp when the Person started this role in the Course section.
exit_date The timestamp indicating when the Person ended this role in the Course section.
le_is_self_enrolled True or false, derived from the learning environment; if true, then the student enrolled himself or herself in the course section via the learning environment as opposed to being enrolled through an official institutional roster.
person_id The Person to whom this Course section enrollment applies.
repetition_basis Indicates whether the student’s enrollment in a particular Course section is on a repeat basis. (option set)
role The role of the Person in the Section, as defined by a UCDM option set. (option set)
role_status The status of the Person in their role as a member of this Course section. (option set)
updated_date The date & time that the Course section enrollment was updated.


An interchange of concepts or ideas between two or more actors in a structured manner with a defined topic.

Code Description
author_id The Person who originally authored the Discussion.
body The body (content) of the Discussion.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Discussion is delivered.
created_date The date on which the Discussion was first created.
delayed_post_date The date on which the Discussion was delayed posting.
deleted_date The date on which the Discussion was deleted.
discussion_type The type of discussion: 'default(blank)', 'side_comment', 'threaded'. Threaded indicates that replies are threaded where side_comment indicates that replies in the discussion are flat. (option set)
editor_id The Person who most recently edited the Discussion.
is_locked Denotes whether the Discussion is locked or not.
is_pinned Denotes whether the Discussion is pinned or not.
last_reply_date The date on which the Discussion's most recent Discussion entry was created.
learner_activity_id The Learner activity of which the Discussion is part.
learner_group_id The Learner group in which the Discussion is delivered.
message_length The number of characters of the Discussion's Body.
posted_date The date on which the Discussion was posted.
status The current status of the Discussion. (option set)
title The title of the Discussion.
type The Discussion topic type, values can include 'blank' and 'announcement'. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Discussion was last updated.

Discussion Entry

A response to a given Discussion, given by a single Person.

Code Description
body The body (content) of the Discussion entry.
created_date The date on which the Discussion entry was first created.
deleted_date The date on which the Discussion entry was deleted.
discussion_id The Discussion in which this entry is located.
message_length The length of the Discussion entry's Body, in number of characters.
parent_discussion_entry_id The parent Discussion entry of the current Discussion entry, if applicable in a threaded discussion.
person_id The Discussion entry author.
position The position of the Discussion entry relative to other Discussion entries for this Discussion.
status The current status of the Discussion entry. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Discussion entry was most recently updated.


The guarantee of access to Learning resources based on established rights.

Code Description
begin_date The date on which the Entitlement begins, if any.
course_section_id The Course section context in which the Entitlement is delivered, if any.
created_date The date on which the Entitlement was first created.
duration_type The length of time in which the Person is entitled to the Learning resource (Term, Rental, Career, Endless).
end_date The date on which the Entitlement ends, if any.
learning_resource_id The Learning resource to be associated with a Person.
offer_type The type of offer purchased by the Person to access the Learning resource (Individual, Subscription, AllInclusive).
person_id The Person who has a relationship with the Learning resource.
role The Role in which the Person acts in the Course section context, if any. (option set)
status The current status of the relationship between the Person and Learning resource (Active, Deleted)
updated_date The date on which the Entitlement was last updated.


A building on an Academic campus in which instruction may take place.

Code Description
abbreviation The abbreviation for the Facility. This is often used as shorthand or codes in documentation, etc.
campus_id The foreign key to the Campus to which this Facility belongs.
city The city in which the Facility is located.
facility_type_id The type of Facility (option set)
gps_coordinates The Global Positioning System coordinates that define the location of the Facility.
name The name of the Facility.
state The US state in which the facility is located.
street_name The street name for the address of the Facility.
street_number The street number for the address of the Facility.
zip_code The Zip code for the address of the facility.


An object that contains information in a self-contained manner. Files may be documents, images, recordings, and so on.

Code Description
can_be_locked Denotes whether the File may be locked or not.
content_type The type of content that defines the File.
conversation_id The Conversation in which the File was attached.
conversation_message_id The particular Conversation message in which the File was attached.
conversation_person_id The Person who uploaded the File in the Conversation.
course_offering_id The Course offering to which the File is associated.
created_date The date on which the File was initially created.
deleted_date The date on which the File was deleted.
display_name The name displayed for the File.
is_locked Denotes whether the File is locked or not.
learner_activity_group_id The learner activity group to which the File is associated.
learner_activity_id The Learner activity to which the File is associated.
learner_activity_result_id The learner activity result to which the File is associated.
learner_group_id The Learner group with which the File is associated.
locked_date The date on which the File was locked.
md5 The MD5 hash that uniquely identifies the contents of the File.
owner_entity_type The type of Entity that owns the File. Values may include: learner activity, conversation message, course offering, learner group, quiz, quiz result, learner activity result, and person.
owner_id The Person who owns the File, if different than the uploader.
quiz_id The Quiz with which the File is associated.
quiz_result_id The Quiz result with which the File is associated.
replacement_file_id The File for which this File is a replacement.
root_file_id The File of which the given File is a child.
size The size, in bytes, of the File.
status The current status of the File. (option set)
unlocked_date The date on which the File was unlocked.
updated_date The date on which the File was last updated.
uploader_id The Person who originally uploaded the File.
viewed_date The date on which the File was last viewed.
wiki_id The Wiki with which the File is associated.

Grading Period

A defined length of time that will culminate in a grade.

Code Description
close_date The date on which the Grading period closes.
created_date The date on which the Grading period was initially created.
end_date The date on which the Grading period ends.
grading_period_group_id The group to which the Grading period belongs.
start_date The date on which the Grading period begins.
status The status of the Grading period.
title The title of the Grading period.
updated_date The date on which the Grading period was most recently updated.
weight The weighting of the Grading period against other Grading periods in the Course offering.

Grading Period Grade

The grade awarded to a Person for a given Grading period.

Code Description
course_section_id The Course section for which the grading period grade is given.
created_date The date on which the Grading period grade was first created.
grading_period_group_id The Grading period group for which the grade is given.
grading_period_id The Grading period for which the grade is given.
le_current_score The most recent and visible calculated grade.
le_final_score The finalized and visible calculated grade.
le_hidden_current_score The most recent calculated grade, before it is made visible.
le_hidden_final_score The finalized calculated grade, before it is made visible.
person_id The Person to whom this Grading period grade is given.
status The current status of the Grading period grade. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Grading period grade was last updated.

Grading Period Group

A grouping of related Grading periods.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Grading period group exists.
created_date The date on which the Grading period group was first created.
status The current status of the Grading period group. (option set)
title The title of the Grading period group.
updated_date The date on which the Grading period group was last updated.

Institutional Affiliation

The association of a Person to an academic institution, and the description of the general or primary capacity in which they act at that institution.

Code Description
directory_block A variable used to describe Persons who are currently electing to block their directory information as per FERPA, or those who previously had a block but are requesting it be removed. A `null` value indicates that the related person does not have a FERPA directory block, and values may be shared in accordance with standard data agreements. This block is only valid for institutional affiliated records. (option set)
person_id The person affilitated with the University.

Learner Activity

An assignment, task, piece of work, or other activity that is as part of a course of study.

Code Description
all_day_date The date which the Learner activity is due.
allowable_submission_types The valid submission type(s) for the Learner activity. Presented as a comma-separated list if more than one type is allowed.
course_offering_id The Course offering Id to which this learner activity belongs.
created_date The date & time the learner activity was created.
description The description of the learner activity, described in a way that the learner can understand.
drop_rule Indicates whether and how the Learner activity can be dropped from a Learner activity group.
due_date The date the learner activity is due.
grade_type The method used to assess the learner activity. This is a metric type from which a score is derived. (option set)
has_peer_reviews Indicates whether peer reviewing is enabled for this Learner activity.
has_peer_reviews_assigned Indicates whether peer reviewing is enabled for this Learner activity.
is_all_day Indicates whether the student has all day to complete the Learner activity, in which case the Learner activity result must be submitted before midnight.
is_anonymous_peer_reviews Indicates whether the Learner activity results for this Learner activity are anonymously peer reviewed.
is_automatic_peer_reviews Indicates whether peer reviews are automatically assigned via an algorithm (as opposed to instructor-assigned peer review.)
is_excluded_bibliography Denotes if the bibliography is removed from evaluation in the Report.
is_excluded_quotes Denotes if quotes are removed from evaluation in the Report.
is_excluded_small_matches Denotes if word sequences must be greater than or equal to the small match threshold count before non-originality is detected.
is_grade_group_students_individually Indicates whether students who submit Learner activity results for this Learner activity as a group will still receive an individual grade.
is_hidden Indicates whether students can see grades on the Learner activity or not.
is_lockable True, false; if true, then the module may be locked by authorized roles.
learner_activity_group_id The identifier of the Learner activity group to which this Learner activity belongs.
locked_date The date and time on which the learner activity is locked.
peer_review_count The number of peers assigned to review a Learner activity result for this Learner activity, if using algorithmic assignment.
peer_reviews_due_date The date & time when peer reviews of the Learner activity's Learner activity results must be completed.
points_possible The maximum number of points that can be earned on this Learner activity.
position The position of the Learner activity in a Learner activity group.
repository_checked The name of the repository whose corpus is used to measure similarity. Different Originality checkers may make available different repositories against which to check originality. Values may include "Global student database" or "Institutional student database."
small_match_threshold_count The minimum number of words in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded.
small_match_threshold_percentage The minimum number of words, as a percentage of the overall word count, in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded.
status Current status of the learner activity (option set)
title The title or name of the learner activity.
unlocked_date The date and time on which the learner activity is unlocked.
updated_date The date & time the learner activity was updated.
visibility The visibility of the Learner activity to students in a Course section. Possible values can include, for example, that the Learner activity is visible to everyone or to only subsets of students. (option set)

Learner Activity Group

A group of learner activities as part of a course design.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering Id to which this Learner activity group belongs.
created_date The date on which the Learner activity group was first created.
default_learner_activity_name The default name to assign to the Learner activities that fall under this group.
drop_highest_amount Number of highest scored assignments which can be dropped form the group. Set to '0' when none should be dropped. Defaults to '0'.
drop_lowest_amount Number of lowest scored assignments which can be dropped from the group. Set to '0' when none should be dropped. Defauts to '0'.
group_weight The weighting of the Learner activity group against other groups in the Course offering.
name Name of the Learner activity group.
position The position of the Learner activity group in a Course offering.
status Current state of the learner activity group. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Learner activity group was last updated.

Learner Activity Group Grade

The score awarded to a Person in a particular Learner activity group.

Code Description
created_date The date on which the Learner activity group grade was first created.
le_current_score The most recently calculated and visible grade.
le_final_score The final and visible grade.
le_hidden_current_score The most recently calculated grade that is not yet visible.
le_hidden_final_score The finalized grade that is not yet visible.
learner_activity_group_id The Learner activity group for which the group score is given.
person_id The learner that received the group grade
status The current status of the Learner activity group grade. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Learner activity group grade was last updated.

Learner Activity Override

A rule or set of rules that overrides the default conditions of a learner activity for a particular audience of students.

Code Description
all_day_date The date version of the due date if the IsDueOnDay attribute is true.
all_day_type Indicates whether this Learner activity override's "Due date as a day" value overrides the Learner activity's "Due date as a day" value. (option set)
course_section_id Foreign key to the Course section with which the override is associated.
created_date The date on which the learner activity override was created.
due_date The new due date if the "Due date is overridden" value is True.
learner_activity_id Foreign key to the learner activity with which the override is associated.
learner_activity_version The version of the learner activity to which this override applies.
learner_group_id Foreign key to the the Learner group with which the override is associated.
locked_date The new Locked date if the "Locked date is overridden" value is true.
overridden_due_date True if a learner activity's original "Due date" value has been overridden.
overridden_locked_date True if a learner activity's original "Locked date" value has been overridden.
overridden_unlocked_date True if a learner activity's original "Unlocked date" value has been overridden.
quiz_id Foreign key to the assessment with which the override is associated.
quiz_version The version of the assessment to which this override applies.
status Current state of the learner activity override. (option set)
title The title of the learner activity override.
type Defines to which Entity the learner activity override is applied. (option set)
unlocked_date The new Unlocked date if the "Unlocked date is overridden" value is True.
updated_date The date & time the learner activity override was updated.

Learner Activity Result

The result of a learner engagement with a learner activity.

Code Description
attempt The number of attempts made to submit the Learner activity result, including this one.
body Text content for the Learner activity result.
created_date The date on which the Learner activity result was created.
grade Letter grade mapped from the score by the grading scheme.
grade_state Indicates the state of the grade for this Learner activity result. Values may include, for example, not graded, auto graded, and human graded.
gradebook_status Indicates whether the current result is the one used in calculating gradebook scores. (option set)
graded_date Timestamp of when the Learner activity result was graded.
grader_id Foreign key to the person who graded the learner activity result.
grading_status Denotes where the Learner activity result is in the grading process. (option set)
has_admin_comment Indicates whether the Learner activity result has an administrator comment attached to it.
has_rubric_assessment Pertinent only for graded Learner activity results. Its value is set to 'true' if the Learner activity result is associated with a Rubric that has been assessed for at least one student, otherwise is set to 'false'. Defaults to 'NULL'.
is_excused Indicates whether this Learner activity result is excused or not.
is_grade_anonymously Indicates whether the Learner activity result was graded anonymously or not.
is_processed Pertinent when there is a File associated with the Learner activity result. By default, this attribute is 'false'. When a Learner activity result has a File associated with it, upon submitting the Learner activity a snapshot is saved and its value is set to 'true'. Defaults to 'NULL'.
learner_activity_id Foreign key to Learner activity of which this is a result.
learner_group_id Foreign key to the learner group table
person_id Foreign key to person who submitted the learner activity result.
posted_at The date and time that the learner activity result was posted to the student. Value is null if it has not been posted.
process_attempts The number of times Learner activity results have been attempted.
published_grade Strings that reflect the grading type used.
published_score Numerical value of the actual score.
quiz_id Foreign key to the Quiz with which this Learner activity result is associated.
quiz_result_id Foreign key to the Quiz result Id to which this Learner activity result is associated.
response_date Timestamp of when the Learner activity result was was submitted
score Numberic grade given to the Learner activity result.
submission_comments_count The number of comment(s) written by the grader on the Learner activity result.
type Type of Learner activity result. Possible values are 'discussion_topic', 'external_tool', 'media_recording', 'online_file_upload', 'online_quiz', 'online_text_entry', 'online_upload' and 'online_url'. (option set)
updated_date The date & time the Learner activity result was updated.
url URL content for the Learner activity result.
what_if_score The most recent score that the student projected for themselves to earn in a "what if" scenario for the learner activity to which this learner activity result belongs. If the student doesn't enter a "what if" score, this value is NULL. (option set)

Learner Group

A pedagogically-oriented group of learners in a course. This concept is distinct from Course section, which is an administrative grouping of learners.

Code Description
category The group's description by its users.
context_type The type of learning context in which this Learner group is situated. This could be a Course, Account, etc.
course_offering_id The Course offering Id to which this learner activity belongs.
created_date The date on which the learner group was created.
default_view The default presentation view for Learner groups.
deleted_date The date on which the learner group was deleted.
description A description of the particular Learner group.
is_public_contents Indicates whether any user may access the contents of the group (e.g., files).
join_level The criteria required to join a Learner group. This can be automatic joining, by invitation only, etc.
max_membership Maximum number of users that can be accommodated in a group.
name The name of the Learner group.
status Status of the learner group. (option set)
storage_quota Storage limit allowed per group.
updated_date The date on which the learner group was updated.

Learner Group Membership

The role in which a Person participates in a Learner group.

Code Description
created_date The date on which the Learner group membership was first created.
is_moderator Denotes if the Person is a moderator for the Learner group.
learner_group_id The Learner group in which the role exists.
person_id The Person participating in the Leaner group.
status The current status of the Learner group membership.
updated_date The date on which the Learner group membership was last updated.

Learning Environment Organization

The learning environment organization or account.

Code Description
grandparent_learning_environment_organization_id The grandparent learning environment organization for this learning environment organization.
name The name of the learning environment organization.
parent_learning_environment_organization_id The parent learning environment organization for this learning environment organization.
status The status of the learning environment organization. Takes an option. set. (option set)

Learning Outcome

Measurable statements that express student knowledge or a student skill.

Code Description
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome is assessed.
calculation_int If needed for the calculation method, the value of the variable.
calculation_method The method by which the Learning outcome is calculated.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning outcome is assessed.
created_date The date on which the Learner outcome was first created.
description A fully-formed description of the Learning outcome and its objectives.
display_name The name of the Learning outcome, as displayed in the LMS.
learning_environment_organization_id The Learning environment organization to which this Learning outcome belongs.
mastery_points The minimum number of points the learner must receive to achieve mastery in the Learning outcome.
points_possible The maximum number of points that a learner can receive on a Learning outcome.
short_desc A short description or title of the Learning outcome.
status The current status of the Learning outcome.
updated_date The date on which the Learner outcome was last updated.
vendor_guid The globally unique id (GUID) by which the Learning outcome is referred to.

Learning Outcome Group

A grouping of related Learning outcomes.

Code Description
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome group exists
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning outcome group exists.
created_date The date & time the Learning outcome group was created.
description The description of the learning outcome group.
learning_environment_organization_id The Learning environment organization to which this Learning outcome group belongs.
parent_group_id The Learning outcome group that is the parent of this group.
parent_learning_outcome_group_id The parent Learning outcome group for this Learning outcome group.
root_group_id The Learning outcome group that is associated with the root group in the group hierarchy.
status The workflow status of the learning outcome. Possible values are 'active' and 'deleted'. Defaults to 'active'.
title The title of the Learning outcome group.
updated_date The date & time the Learning outcome group was updated.
vendor_guid A custom GUID for the learning standard.

Learning Outcome Item Response

The result of a learner responding to a Learning outcome question.

Code Description
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome item response exists.
assessed_date The date & time the Learning outcome item response was assessed.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning outcome item response exists.
created_date The date & time the Learning outcome item response was created.
has_mastery A boolean indicating whether user achieved mastery for this question
has_original_mastery A boolean value indicating whether user achieved mastery.
learning_outcome_id The Learning outcome in which the Learning outcome item response exists.
number_attempts The total number of attempts, or learner activity results.
original_score The student's score on the first attempt.
percent Percent of maximum points possible for a Learning outcome, scaled to reflect any custom mastery levels that differ from the learning outcome.
person_id The Person in which the Learning outcome item response exists.
points_possible Total number of points possible.
quiz_id The Quiz with which the Learning outcome item response is associated.
quiz_item_id The Quiz item with which the Learning outcome item response is associated.
score The student's score on the question.
submitted_date The date & time the Learning outcome item response was submitted.
title The title of the Learning outcome item response.
updated_date The date & time the Learning outcome item response was updated.

Learning Outcome Result

The result of a learner being assessed on a Learner outcome.

Code Description
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome result takes place.
assessed_date The date & time the Learning outcome result was assessed.
attempts The total number of attempts, or learning activity results, by the user.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning outcomes result takes place.
created_date The date & time the Learning outcome result was created.
has_mastery A boolean indicating whether user achieved mastery.
has_original_mastery A boolean value indicating whether user achieved mastery.
is_hidden A boolean value indicating whether the Learning outcome result should be hidden from the Learning Mastery Gradebook and reports.
is_hide_points A boolean value indicating if Learning outcome result points should be hidden in the Learning Mastery Gradebook and reports. If enabled, then replace the points with the description of the highest scoring outcome criterion rating.
learner_activity_id Foreign key to the Learner activity with which the Learning outcome result exists.
learning_outcome_id The Learning outcome with which the Learning outcome result is associated
original_possible The total nubmer of possible points on the student's first attempt.
original_score The student's score on the first attempt.
percent Percent of maximum points possible for a Learning outcome, scaled to reflect any custom mastery levels that differ from the learning outcome.
person_id The Person who made the Learning activity result against which this Learning outcome is related.
points_possible Total number of points possible.
quiz_id The Quiz with which the Learning outcome result is associated.
score The user's score on the Lerning outcome result.
submitted_date The date & time the Learning outcome result was submitted.
updated_date The date & time the Learning outcome result was update.

Learning Outcome Rubric Criteria

The criteria by which a learner will be assessed on a given Learning outcome.

Code Description
academic_term_id The Academic term in which the Learning outcome rubric criteria is used.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which the Learning outcome rubric criteria is used.
description A description of the rubric Learning outcome criterion.
learning_outcome_id The Learning outcome in which the Learning outcome rubric criteria exists.
points_possible The total number of possible points associated with the rubric criterion.

Learning Resource

A piece of content, such as a textbook, that can be used in aid of learning.

Code Description
all_inclusive The ISBN used for a Learner resource if and when it is offered with an all-inclusive access entitlement.
caption_generator_type Denotes whether the captions provided for the Learning resource were generated automatically or manually provided. (option set)
caption_language_1 The language in which the Learning resource's caption is written. (option set)
caption_language_2 The language in which the Learning resource's caption is written. (option set)
caption_language_3 The language in which the Learning resource's caption is written. (option set)
caption_language_4 The language in which the Learning resource's caption is written. (option set)
caption_language_5 The language in which the Learning resource's caption is written. (option set)
created_date The date on which the Learning resource was first created in the source system.
description A description of the contents, pedagogical use, or other information about the Learning resource.
digital_purchase The ISBN used for a Learner resource if and when it is offered with digital purchase entitlement.
digital_rental The ISBN used for a Learner resource if and when it is offered with digital rental entitlement.
duration The length of time, in ISO 8601 duration format, that the Learning resource takes to complete.
file_format The IANA media type format of the Learning resource.
number_of_audio_tracks The number of audio track(s) that are available for the Learning resource.
owner_id The Person who is able to make changes to the Learning resource.
print The ISBN used for a Learner resource if and when it is offered with print entitlement.
quiz_id The Quiz for which this is a student Learning resource.
thumbnail The URL of the thumbnail that is associated with the Learning resource.
title The title of the Learning resource.
updated_date The date on which the Learning resource was last updated in the source system.
uploader_id The Person who originally uploaded the Learning resource.

Learning Resource Segment

A conceptual portion of a Learning resource, such as a chapter.

Code Description
begins_at The location (such as page number) at which the Learner resource segment begins.
created_date The date on which the Learning resource segment was first created.
ends_at The location (such as page number) at which the Learner resource segment ends.
learning_resource_id The Learning resource of which the Learning resource segment is a part.
name The name of the Learning resource segment (such as a chapter title).
parent_learning_resource_segment_id The parent learning resource segment of the current segment (e.g., if the segment is a section, its parent might be a chapter), if any.
updated_date The date on which the Learning resource segment was last updated.

Learning Resource Tag

A tag that is affixed to a Learning resource, allowing similarly-structured or related content to be easily identifiable.

Code Description
learning_resource_id The Learning resource to which the Learning resource tag is applied.
title The title, name, or body value of the Learning resource tag.


A means of organizing content to help control the flow of a course.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering in relation to which the Module exists.
created_date The date & time the Module was created.
deleted_date The date & time the Module was deleted.
name The name of the Module.
position The position of the Module among other Modules in the Course offering.
prerequisite_module_id The prerequisite Module for the Module.
sequential A value indicating whether the Module items of this Module must be completed sequentially? Valid values are 'required', 'not_required', 'unspecified'.
status The workflow state for the Module. Possible values are 'locked', 'completed', 'unlocked' and 'started'. (option set)
unlocked_date The date & time the Module was unlocked.
updated_date The date & time the Module was updated.

Module Item

A specific piece of course content in a Module.

Code Description
completion_type Describes the type of completion event that must be achieved to consider item complete.
course_offering_id The Course offering in which this Module item is located.
created_date The date & time the Module item was created.
discussion_id The Discussion referenced by the Module item.
file_id The File referenced by the Module item.
learner_activity_id The Learner activity referenced by the Module item.
min_score If the completion type requires a minimum score, then this is the score that must be attained for completion.
module_id The parent Module of the the Module item.
person_id If the Module item is associated with a Discussion, File, Quiz, or Page, then this Person Id references the author of the Discussion, File, Quiz, or Page.
position The position of the Module item among other Module items in the Module.
quiz_id The Quiz referenced by the Module item.
status The workflow status of the Module item. (option set)
title The title of the Module item.
type The type of content linked to from this Module item. This can be a Learner activity, Attachment, Discussion topic, External tool, External URL, Learning outcome, Quiz, Rubric, Page, or Module subheader. (option set)
updated_date The date & time the Module item was updated.
url The URL associated with the Module item, if the Module item is an External URL or External tool.
wiki_page_id The Page referenced by the Module item.

Module Item Completion

An indication that a Person has completed a particular Module item.

Code Description
completion_status Denotes whether the completion event is complete or not. Possible values are 'complete' and 'incomplete'.
min_score If the completion type requires a minimum score, then this is the score that must be attained for completion.
module_item_id The Module item referenced by the Module item completion.
module_progression_id The Module progression referenced by the Module item completion.
requirement_type Describes the type of completion event that must be achieved to consider item complete.
score If the completion type requires a minimum score, this is the score that the user has currently achieved for completion.

Module Progression

The progress that a Person has made towards completing a specific Module.

Code Description
completed_date The date & time the Module progression was completed.
created_date The date & time the Module progression was created.
current_position The user's current position in the Module.
evaluated_date The date & time the Module progression was evaluated.
is_collapsed Whether or not the Module progression is collapsed for the user.
is_current The current state of the Module progression for the user.
lock_version The lock version of the Module progression.
module_id The Module for the Module progression.
person_id The Person whose Module progression this is.
status The workflow state of the Module progression for the user (option set)
updated_date The date & time the Module progression was updated.

Participant Session

A session in which Persons participate, such as a conference.

Code Description
actual_end_time The date & time that the Participant session actually ended.
actual_start_time The date & time that the Participant session actually started.
course_offering_id The Course offering referenced by the Participant session
created_date The date & time the Participant session was created.
duration The actual duration, in milliseconds, of the Participant session.
learner_group_id The Learner group referenced by the Participant session.
scheduled_end_time The date & time that the Participant session is scheduled to end.
scheduled_start_time The date & time that the Participant session is scheduled to start.
title The title of the Participant session.
type The Participant session type – usually, this refers to the type of tool used to deliver the Participant session.
updated_date The date & time the Participant session was updated.

Participant Session Role

The role in which a Person acts in a given Participant session.

Code Description
created_date The date & time the Participant session role was created.
participant_session_id The Participant session in which the participant participated.
person_id The Person who participanted in the Participation session.
role The role of the Person who participated in the Participant session. (option set)
updated_date The date & time the Participant session role was updated.


An individual participating, in any capacity, in the design, delivery, or evaluation of teaching and learning processes and environments.

Code Description
citizenship_one A code representing a student's first or only country of citizenship. (option set)
citizenship_three A code representing a student's third country of citizenship. (option set)
citizenship_two A code representing a student's second country of citizenship. (option set)
country_first_foreign_permanent_residence A code representing the country of the Person's first permanent foreign residence. (option set)
edu_level_maternal The highest level of education attained by a person's mother or maternal guardian(s). (option set)
edu_level_parental The highest level of education attained by a person's parent or guardian(s). Use this if the available data is not specific to a mother/maternal guardian or father/paternal guardian. (option set)
edu_level_paternal The highest level of education attained by a person's father or paternal guardian(s). (option set)
estimated_gross_family_income Represents a student’s estimated gross family income. Note: This data is usually self-reported on the student’s admission application. (option set)
fed_identity The individual identifier released by an Institution's Identity Provider to Service Providers in an SSO integration scenario. In Shibboleth, for example, this value will usually correspond to the eduPersonPrincipalName (EPPN).
first_name Legal first name of the person.
gender The person’s self-identified gender. (option set)
gender_pronoun The gender pronouns to which the individual self-identifies. (option set)
hs_cb_cluster_code The neighborhood cluster code, as defined by College Board, for the neighborhood of the student's primary High school.
hs_ceeb_code The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code for the student's High school. CEEB codes are issued by Educational Testing Service (ETS). These 4- to 6-digit codes are primarily used in the college entrance exams.
hs_city_name The city portion of the High school address for the primary High school that the student attended, as determined by the Institution.
hs_gpa Student’s reported cumulative high school grade point average. This value is intended to capture the primary GPA used by your institution to evaluate this student’s admission.
hs_graduating_month The month of the year that the student graduated from High school with a diploma.
hs_graduating_year The year that the student graduated from High school with a diploma.
hs_percentile_rank The student's percentile ranking at their graduating school, as reported. The percentile is usually based on their GPA.
hs_state_code A code representing the state portion of the primary high school address for the High school the student attended, as determined by the Institution (option set)
hs_zip_code The zip or postal code of the primary High school that a student attended, as determined by the Institution.
is_american_indian_alaska_native If true, indicates that the individual identifies as American Indian or Alaska Native.
is_asian If true, indicates that the individual identifies as Asian.
is_black_african_american If true, indicates that the individual identifies as Black or African American.
is_english_first_language Indicates whether English is the first language of the Person. If false, it is assumed that some other language is the individauls first language even if the student is proficient in English.
is_first_generation_hed_student Indicates whether the sudent is in the first generation of their family to attend an institution of higher education.
is_hawaiian_pacific_islander If true, indicates that the individual identifies as Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
is_hispanic_latino If true, indicates that the individual identifies as Hispanic or Latino/a.
is_no_race_indicated If true, indicates that the individual refused to assert their race or ethnicity.
is_other_american If true, indicates that the individual identifies as another American race or ethnicity.
is_white If true, indicates that the individual identifies as White.
last_name Legal family name of the person
last_undergraduate_school The name of the undergraduate school most recently attended by the student, or the school with the greatest relevance, as determined and entered by the unit.
last_undergraduate_school_ceeb_code A code representing the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code of the student's last school attended. CEEB codes are issued by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). These 4- to 6-digit codes are primarily used in the college entrance exams.
last_undergraduate_school_end_date The date on which the student ended their Academic career at their last undergraduate school attended.
last_undergraduate_school_institution_code The Institution’s identifier for the undergraduate school most recently attended by the student, or the school with the greatest relevance, as determined and entered by the unit.
last_undergraduate_school_type The type of undergraduate school most recently attended by the student, or the school with the greatest relevance, as determined and entered by the unit. (option set)
le_account_status The status of the Person's account in the learning environment. (option set)
middle_name Legal middle name or names of the person.
name The name of the person in the learning environment. This may be a full name, a given name, or any other identifier such a nickname or email.
neighborhood_cb_cluster_code_at_time_of_application The neighborhood cluster code, as defined by College Board, for the neighborhood of the student's permanent address at time of their college application.
parent_dependents_count The number of dependents for a student's parent(s). Note: This data is self-reported on the student's admission application.
parent_is_single_parent Indicates whether or not a person was raised by a single parent. Note: This data is self-reported on the student's admission application.
preferred_first_name The preferred first name of the person at the institution.
sex The legal sex of the person. (option set)
suffix Suffix for the person.
was_veteran_at_admissions Indicates whether a student self-identified as being a veteran during the admission process.
zip_code_at_time_of_application The zip code of the Person's permanent address at time of there application to the University.
zip_code_first_us_permanent_residence The postal code of a Person's first United States permanent residence.

Person - Academic Degree

An Academic degree that was earned by a Person at the institution.

Code Description
academic_degree_id The foreign key to the Academic degree to which this Person-Academic degree belongs.
academic_excellence The academic excellence achieved by a student for the degree earned at the Institution. (option set)
academic_major_1 The first Academic major associated with this particular degree.
academic_major_2 The second Academic major associated with this particular degree.
academic_major_3 The third Academic major associated with this particular degree.
academic_major_specialization_1 The first Academic major specialization associated with this particular degree.
academic_major_specialization_2 The second Academic major specialization associated with this particular degree.
academic_major_specialization_3 The third Academic major specialization associated with this particular degree.
academic_minor_1 The first Academic minor associated with this particular degree.
academic_minor_2 The second Academic minor associated with this particular degree.
academic_minor_3 The third Academic minor associated with this particular degree.
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term in which this Academic degree was earned.
conferred_date The official date on which the Academic degree or certificate was awarded by the Institution. This is the date that prints on the official transcript and the diploma.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this Academic degree belongs.

Person - Academic Major - Academic Term

Denotes the the Person was pursuing the Academic major during the Academic term.

Code Description
academic_major_id The foreign key to the Academic major to which this relationship belongs.
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term to which this relationship belongs.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.

Person - Academic Major Specialization - Academic Term

Denotes the the Person was pursuing the Academic major specialization during the Academic term.

Code Description
academic_major_specialization_id The foreign key to the Academic major specialization to which this relationship belongs.
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term to which this relationship belongs.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.

Person - Academic Minor - Academic Term

Denotes the the Person was pursuing the Academic minor during the Academic term.

Code Description
academic_minor_id The foreign key to the Academic minor to which this relationship belongs.
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term to which this relationship belongs.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.

Person - Academic Term

The relationships between a Person and a Term for any given term.

Code Description
academic_career_id The foreign key to the primary Academic career of the student during this Academic term.
academic_term_id The foreign key to the Academic term to which this relationship belongs.
athletic_participant_sport The sport a student is participating in as a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athlete. (option set)
cen_academic_level The student's Academic level at the census date of an Academic term, as determined by the institution. (option set)
cen_academic_load The student's Academic load at the census date of an Academic term, as determined by the Institution. (option set)
eot_academic_load The student's Academic load at the end of an Academic term, as determined by the Institution. (option set)
gpa_academic_term The GPA of a post-secondary student in this Academic term at the University. This is usually computed by computing the sum of Grade points earned that count toward GPA by the sum of Credits earned that count toward GPA.
gpa_credits_units_hours The number of credits, units, or hours taken that count toward grade point average (GPA) for the Academic term, as determined by the institution.
gpa_cumulative The cumulative GPA of a post-secondary student through to their most recently completed Academic term at the University, but not including the term for which this is a record. This GPA is intended to cover the whole career of a post-secondary student up until the beginning of this Academic term. This is usually computed by computing the sum of Grade points earned that count toward GPA by the sum of Credits earned that count toward GPA.
grade_points_earned The number of total grade points earned by the student in the Academic term. This is computed by, for each course grade earned, multiplying the number of credits, units, or hours that count toward the GPA with the number of grade points per credit.
in_honors_program Indicates whether a student is enrolled in any honors program during the term.
is_active_duty Is the student/person an active duty member of the military?
is_in_supplemental_study_plans Indicates whether a student is enrolled in any supplemental study plans.
is_in_teaching_certificate_plan Indicates whether a student is enrolled in any teaching certificate plans.
is_veteran Is the student/person a military veteran (i.e., a retired member of the military who served on active duty)?
non_gpa_credits_units_hours The number of credits, units, or hours taken that do not count toward grade point average (GPA) for the Academic term, as determined by the institution.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.
registration_status Indicates the registration status of a student for a particular Academic term. (option set)
us_residency The person’s residency status in the United States. (option set)
us_state_residency A code representing a student's residency for fee assessment purposes, as defined by the Institution’s policy. (option set)

Person Email

The email addresses associated with a Person.

Code Description
email_address The email address value.
email_type The type of email address. Values may include "Home," "Work," etc. (option set)
is_primary If true, then this is the Person's primary email address.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.

Person Phone Number

The phone numbers associated with a Person.

Code Description
is_primary If true, then this is the Person's primary phone number.
person_id The foreign key to the Person to which this relationship belongs.
phone_number The phone number value.
phone_number_type The type of phone number. Values may include "Home," "Work," etc.

Polling Question

Top Hat questions with no indicated correct answer.

Code Description
attempt_limit Number of attempts allowed to submit an answer to the polling question.
author_id The author of the polling question.
course_offering_id Foreign key to the course offering to which the polling question belongs.
created_date A timestamp of when the polling question was created.
duration Time allotted to answer the polling question.
explanation The provided explanation for a polling question answer.
hint Provided hints to the polling question.
is_anonymous Status indicating if submissions to the question are anonymous.
is_deleted A flag indicating if the polling question has been deleted.
last_question_activation_time Amount of time in seconds the polling question is active.
locked_date The date the polling question will be locked from viewing.
question_text The provided text of the polling question.
question_type The type of Top Hat question.
status The status category of the polling question.
unlocked_date The date the polling question is unlocked for viewing.
updated_date A timestamp of when the polling question was updated.

Polling Question Response

Responses to Top Hat polling questions.

Code Description
answer Submitted answer by the learner to the polling question.
correctness_points_possible Number of points possible for correctness in a response.
correctness_score Score given for a response.
graded_date The date the polling response was graded.
is_graded A flag indicating whether the polling question response is graded.
is_latest_response A flag indicating if the response was most recently submitted for the polling question.
num_responses The number of responses submitted by the learner.
participation_points_possible Number of points possible for participation in a polling question response.
participation_score Score given for a participation response.
person_id Foreign key of the associated learner
points_possible Number of points possible for a response.
polling_question_id Foreign key of the associated polling question.
response_device_type The type of device used for submission.
score Total score given.
updated_date The date the response was updated.


A class of learner activity used to assess learner content mastery.

Code Description
allowed_attempts The number of attempts the student is allowed to try the Quiz. If there is not attempt limit, then the value is set to -1 or NULL.
correct_answers_display_policy The policy on displaying correct answers to students; takes an option set. (option set)
course_offering_id The Course offering to which this Quiz belongs.
created_date The date & time that the Quiz was created.
deleted_date The date & time that the Quiz was deleted.
description The description of the Quiz.
due_date The date & time that the Quiz was due.
hide_correct_answers_date The date and time when the correct answers are hidden from students.
ip_filter Restricts access to the Quiz to computers in a specified IP address range.
is_allow_anonymous_submissions Indicates whether students are allowed to submit the quiz anonymously.
is_allow_go_back_to_previous_question Indicates whether the user may go back to previous Quiz items or may only go forward. Only valid if Display multiple Quiz items? is 'false'.
is_browser_lockdown_monitor_required True or false; if true, a browser lockdown monitor is required.
is_browser_lockdown_required Indicates whether the browser must be locked-down when the Quiz is taken.
is_browser_lockdown_required_to_display_results True or false; if true, the browser must be locked down to display the results.
is_can_be_locked Indicates whether the Quiz can be locked.
is_display_multiple_questions Indicates whether multiple Quiz items are displayed at a time.
is_shuffled_answer_display_order Indicates whether the answers for Quiz items are displayed in a consistent order or shuffled.
learner_activity_id Foreign key to Learner activity of this Quiz.
locked_date The date & time that the Quiz was locked for students.
points_possible The maximum number of points that can be earned.
published_date The date & time that the Quiz was published.
quiz_item_count The number of Quiz items in the Quiz.
scoring_policy Scoring policy for a Quiz that students can take multiple times. Is required and only valid if allowed_attempts > 1. (option set)
show_correct_answers_date The date and time when the correct answers are shown to students.
show_results Indicates whether Quiz results are shown to students. If Quiz results are always shown, then students can see their results after any attempt. If Quiz results are never shown, then students can never see their results. If students are allowed more than one Quiz attempt, then if Quiz results are always shown after the last attempt, students can always see their results but only after the last attempt. If students are allowed to see their Quiz results and the value is set to only show students once after their last attempt, then students are show their Quiz results once after their last attempt.
status Denotes where the Quiz is in its workflow. (option set)
time_limit The amount of time, in minutes, that the student is given to complete the Quiz. If there is no limit, the value is set to -1 or NULL.
title The title of the Quiz.
type The type of Quiz. (option set)
unlocked_date The date & time that the Quiz was unlocked for studnets.
unpublished_quiz_item_count Number of questions in the current unpublished version of the quiz.
updated_date The date & time that the Quiz was updated.

Quiz Item

A particular quiz item in a particular quiz.

Code Description
body The body content of the Quiz item.
correct_comments Comments to be displayed if the student answers the Quiz item correctly.
created_date The date & time that the Quiz item was created.
incorrect_comments Comments to be displayed if the student answers the Quiz item incorrectly.
is_regrade_option_available Indicates whether regrading is available for the Quiz item.
learner_activity_id Foreign key to the Learner activity of which this Quiz item's Quiz is a part.
name The name of the Quiz item.
neutral_comments Comments to be displayed regardless of how the student answers the Quiz item.
points_possible The number of points possible on the Quiz question.
position The position of the Quiz item in the Quiz item group.
quiz_id Foreign key to the Quiz of which this Quiz item is a part.
quiz_item_group_id Foreign key to the Quiz item group of which this Quiz item is a part.
quiz_item_type The type of Quiz item. (option set)
status The status of the Quiz item.
updated_date The date & time that the Quiz item was updated.

Quiz Item Group

A group of Quiz items.

Code Description
created_date The date & time that the Quiz item group was created.
name The name of the Quiz item group.
pick_count The number of Quiz items selected from this group that were used in the Quiz.
position The order in which the Quiz items from this group will be displayed in the Quiz relative to the other Quiz items in the Quiz from other groups.
quiz_id The Quiz to which this Quiz item group belongs.
quiz_item_points The number of points assigned to each Quiz item in the Quiz item group.
updated_date The date & time that the Quiz item group was updated.

Quiz Item Response

The learner response given for a particular quiz item.

Code Description
answer_match_left When a Quiz item is a matching question, then this is the value of the answer that is displayed to the left for students to match.
answer_match_right When a Quiz item is a matching question, then this is the value of the answer that is displayed to the right for students to match.
blank When a Quiz item is a fill in multiple blanks question, then this refers to the blank(s) in the question text.
body The body of the Quiz item response.
comments The contextual comments of a Quiz item response.
ending_range When the Quiz item is a numerical question and Numeric answer is of type 'range type', then this is the ending value for the range in which the answer must fall.
exact When the Quiz item is a numerical question and Numeric answer is of type 'exact type', then this is the value the answer must be equal to.
html The HTML markup of the Quiz item response.
incorrect_matches When a Quiz item is a matching question, then this is the list of distractors (incorrect answers), delimited by newlines, that will be seeded with the 'Answer match right' values.
margin When the Quiz item is a numerical question and Numeric answer is of type 'exact type', then this is the margin of error allowed for a student's answer.
numerical_answer_type When a Quiz item is a numerical question, then this denotes the type of numerical answer that is expected. Possible values are 'exact_answer' and 'range_answer'.
quiz_item_id The Quiz item to which this Quiz item response is responding.
starting_range When the Quiz item is a numerical question and Numeric answer is of type 'range type', then this is the starting value for the range in which the answer must fall.
text_after_answers When a Quiz item is a fill in the blank question, this is the text that follows the word that is blank.
weight A measure of the correctness of the Quiz item response. Incorrect answers should have a measure of 0; correct answers should have a non-negative measure.

Quiz Result

A learner response to a quiz.

Code Description
created_date The date & time the Quiz result was created.
due_date The date & time that the Quiz was due, after which the Quiz result is marked as late.
extra_attempts The number of times above the allowable threshold the student attempted the learner activity
extra_time The amount of extra time that the student was given, in minutes, to complete the Quiz.
finished_date The date & time that the user finished the Quiz.
fudge_points The number of points fudged on the Quiz result score. The values can be negative or positive.
is_student_viewed Indicates if the student has viewed the results of their learner activity result
kept_score If multiple attempts on the Quiz are allowed, then this is the score among the attempts that is kept and used for the student.
learner_activity_id The Learner activity associated with this Quiz result.
learner_activity_result_id The Learner activity result associated with this Quiz result.
person_id The Person record for the student who submitted this Quiz result.
points_possible The maximum number of points that can be earned on the Quiz for this is a result.
quiz_id The Quiz for which this is a student Quiz result.
result_date Identical to the Finished date – the date & time when the user finished the Quiz.
score The score of the Quiz result.
score_before_regrade The original score of the Quiz result before any regrading.
started_date The date & time that the user started the Quiz.
state_in_submission The state of the Quiz at the time it was submitted. The Quiz may have been unlocked after being locked; the Quiz result was submitted on time, which is to say the Quiz was never locked. (option set)
status The workflow state of the Quiz result. (option set)
submission_scoring_policy Indicates whether the score was manually overridden by the teacher to reflect the score of the previous attempt. The values will either indicate it was manually overridden, or be the scoring policy for the Quiz. (option set)
submission_source Indicates where the Quiz result was received from – these can be from the student or from an automated process.
time_taken The time taken, in millseconds, for the students to complete the Quiz.
total_attempts The total number of attempts that the student made on the Quiz for which this is a quiz result.
updated_date The date & time the Quiz result was updated.


A formal account of teaching & learning.

Code Description
content_type The type of content of the Learner activity result for which the Report was generated.
count_characters The number of characters in the Learner activity result.
count_pages The number of pages in the Learner activity result.
count_words The number of words in the Learner activity result.
file_id The File for which the Report was generated.
instructor_first_view_report The date on which the instructor first viewed the results of the Report.
is_excluded_bibliography Denotes if the bibliography is removed from evaluation in the Report.
is_excluded_quotes Denotes if quotes are removed from evaluation in the Report.
is_excluded_small_matches Denotes if word sequences must be greater than or equal to the small match threshold count before non-originality is detected.
larsubmitted_date The date on which the Learner activity result was submitted.
percentage_bibliographic_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of the text that is comprised by the bibliography.
percentage_quoted_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of the text that is comprised of quotes.
report_generated_date The date on which the Report was generated.
similarity_score The assessment of the uniqueness of a Learner activity result, on a scale of 0-100.
similarity_score_to_internet_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to internet sources indexed by an originality checker.
similarity_score_to_publishers_content The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to published content, both proprietary and public domain.
similarity_score_to_submitted_student_work The percentage, calculated by word count, of a Learner activity result's similarity to the corpus of student submitted work.
small_match_threshold_count The minimum number of words in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded.
small_match_threshold_percentage The minimum number of words, as a percentage of the overall word count, in a sequence that must be matched for non-originality to be detected. Only relevant if small matches are excluded.
student_first_view_report The date on which the learner first viewed the results of the Report.
submitter_group_id The Learner group that submitted the Learner activity result. N/A if the Learner activity result were submitted by a Person.
submitter_id The Person who submitted the Learner activity result. N/A if the Learner activity result were submitted by a Learner group.


The function assumed by a Person in a particular situation.

Code Description
base_role_type The fundamental role from which the Role is built. (option set)
created_date The date on which the Role was first created.
deleted_date The date on which the Role was deleted.
name The name of the Role.
status The current status of the Role. (option set)
updated_date The date on which the Role was last updated.


The particular Room of a particular Facility at the Institution.

Code Description
code The unique code that identifies the Room in the Facility.
facility_id The foreign key to the Facility to which this Room belongs.
max_occupancy A number indicating the maximum number of people who may occupy the room at once.
number The Room's unique number that identifies it at its Facility.
ref_type_id The type of Room. (option set)


A site that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.

Code Description
course_offering_id The Course offering Id of the Wiki page, if the Wiki page is part of a Course offering.
created_date The date on which the the Wiki was first created.
front_page_url The URL at which the front page of the Wiki resides.
has_no_front_page If true, the Wiki does not have a front page.
learner_group_id The Learner group of the Wiki page, if the Wiki page is assocaited with a Learner group.
parent_entity_type The type of Entity that owns the Wiki.
title The title of the Wiki.
updated_date The date on which the Wiki was last updated.

Wiki Page

A particular page in a Wiki.

Code Description
body The body (content) of the Wiki page.
comments_count The number of comments on the Wiki page.
could_be_locked Denotes whether the WIki page could be locked.
created_date The date on which the Wiki page was first created.
editing_roles The role(s) in which Persons may contribute to the Wiki page.
is_protected_editing Denotes whether the Wiki page only allows certain Person(s) to edit or revise.
person_id The Person who originally authored the Wiki page.
revised_date The date on which the Wiki page last had revisions to its Body.
status The current status of the Wiki page. (option set)
title The title of the Wiki page.
updated_date The date on which the Wiki page was last updated.
url The URL at which the Wiki page resides.
view_count The number of times the Wiki page has been viewed.
wiki_id The Wiki to which this Wiki page belongs.