Assessment Type (ref_assessment_type)

Option set values
Code Definition
AchievementTest Achievement test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
AdvancedPlacementTest Advanced placement test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
AlternateAssessmentELL Alternate assessment/ELL is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
AlternateAssessmentGradeLevelStandards Alternate assessment/grade-level standards is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
AlternativeAssessmentModifiedStandards Alternative assessment/modified standards is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
AptitudeTest Aptitude test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Benchmark Benchmark is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
CognitiveAndPerceptualSkills Cognitive and perceptual skills test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
ComputerAdaptiveTest Computer adapative test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
DevelopmentalObservation Developmental observation is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Diagnostic Diagnostic is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
DirectAssessment Direct assessment is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Formative Formative is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
GradedQuiz A class of graded assessment of learning conducted in a course context.
GradedQuizSurvey A graded survey instrument conducted in a course context.
GrowthMeasure Growth measure is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Interim Interim is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
KindergartenReadiness Kindergarten readiness is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
LanguageProficiency Language proficiency test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
MentalAbility Mental ability (intelligence) test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
NoData No data provided, either because the student did not provide, the Institution does not collect it, or the Institution chooses not to provide it.
Observation Observation is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Other Other is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
ParentReport Parent report is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
PerformanceAssessment Performance assessment is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
PortfolioAssessment Portfolio assessment is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
PracticeQuiz A class of non-graded assessment of learning conducted in a course context.
PrekindergartenReadiness Prekindergarten readiness is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
QuizSurvey A survey instrument conducted in a course context.
ReadingReadiness Reading readiness test is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
Screening Screening is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content
TeacherReport Teacher report is specified as the category of an assessment based on format and content