Gender Pronoun Set (ref_gender_pronoun_set)

Option set values
Code Definition
EyEirEirs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Ey, Eir, Eirs
HeHimHis A person who prefers that others the pronouns: He, him, his
NeNirNirs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Ne, nir, nirs
NoData No data provided, either because the student did not provide, the Institution does not collect it, or the Institution chooses not to provide it.
Other A person who prefers gender pronouns that are not in this option set.
PerPerPers A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Per, Per, Pers
PreferNoAnswer A person who prefers not to assert their preferred gender pronouns.
SheHerHers A person who prefers that others the pronouns: She, her, hers
TheyThemTheirs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: They, them, theirs
XeXyrXyrs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Xe, xyr, xyrs
ZeHirHirs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Ze, hir, hirs
ZeZirZirs A person who prefers that others the pronouns: Ze, zir, zirs