Room Type (ref_room_type)

Option set values
Code Definition
Assembly The facility is an assembly space
Auditorium The facility is an auditorium
Classroom The facility is a general classroom
ConferenceRoom The facility is a conference room
DanceStudio The facility is a dance studio
DemoSchool The facility is a demonstration school
DistEdClassroom The facility is a distance education classroom
Greenhouse The facility is a greenhouse
Gymnasium The facility is a gymnasium
Laboratory The facility is a laboratory.
LectureHall The facility is a lecture hall.
Museum The facility is a museum or art gallery
NoData No data provided, either because the student did not provide, the Institution does not collect it, or the Institution chooses not to provide it.
NonClassPublic The facility is a non-class public meeting room
Other Other
OutpatientClinic The facility is an outpatient clinic room
Recreation The facility is a recreation space
ResearchLab The facility is a research lab
ResearchSite The facility is a research site
SeminarRoom The facility is a seminar room
SportsRoom The facility is used for sports
StudyRoom The facility is a study room
TeachingClinic The facility is a teaching clinic